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Psychological Services

Early Childhood Services

Infant and early childhood mental health includes a full spectrum of social, relational and emotional functioning. I can help parents with understanding this critical aspect of a their child’s development and how they see and respond to the world around them.

Children often struggle with developmental and family related changes. This can be challenging, it is powerful for a child to recognize that they are capable of influencing their environment and situations in positive ways. This realization allows for growth, change and success to occur. Your child and I will identify and explore their strengths and guide them in developing coping skills to manage their thoughts, feelings, emotions, and behaviors.

“Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” ― Dr. Seuss

Attachment, Play and Art Therapy

I use a relationship based, dyadic therapy with both the child and parent/caregiver as well as individualized therapy with children using play and art therapy modalities. Children and families who have been exposed to trauma such as family or community violence, receive therapy services targeted to their needs.

Therapy services are designed to help:

  • Parents and caregivers learn how to better engage with and nurture their children
  • Help the child learn self­-regulation
  • Help the child learn social skills expected for the child’s developmental stage

Autism and Developmental Delays

As a parent of a child with special needs, you probably have your hands full taking care of EVERYTHING!!! Let me take care of your needs and provide you with support to stay strong and keep your cool as you face daily challenges and manage stress. We work to develop daily living skills, emotional regulation, positive communication and social skills to assist your child be the best person they can be in an emotionally controlled uplifting environment.

Due to differences in brain development, your child may process information or react to their environment differently than children of the same age. These delays can have an impact on a child’s ability to learn, communicate, and interact with others. It is common for children with developmental delays to have difficulty with social and emotional skills.


I have experience to both diagnose and treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), a chronic neurobehavioral condition that affects millions of children in the United States. These children may act impulsively, become distracted, or struggle to concentrate at times. Inattention, hyperactivity, or impulsivity may be so severe that it interferes with daily activities.

Screening, Assessment and Evaluation

Developmental assessment is a process for young children and their families designed to deepen understanding of a child’s competencies, resources, strengths and weaknesses. It assists caregivers understand how supportive interactions and learning environments can help a child reach their fullest developmental potential. Screening for Autism, Sensory disorders, ADHD and other developmental issues. For more information view my Child Assessments page.

Developmental Delays

Doctors recommend treating developmental delays as soon as possible. We assist with assessment and diagnosis which will help your family receive free services you are eligible for and can work in family sessions to support the family manage and adjust to life with special needs. This helps encourage and strengthen the family unit as a whole for a more positive future! For more information view my Child Assessments page.

Developmental Evaluation

Done for young children ages 0-­5 who are not demonstrating the appropriate social, relational or emotional sills or is not meeting developmental milestones. Eligibility for special education may be considered. Testing is done one-­on-­one with the child to evaluate motor skills, communication, pre-academic skills overall development and adaptive functioning. It may include additional observation in various settings. For more information view my Child Assessments page.

Social Skills Therapy

Social Skills Therapy is a research-based approach to teaching children as young as three how to behave in a social setting, control their behavior, and communicate more effectively.  I am experienced in working with children who have a social or emotional delay, such as shyness or tantrums, attention difficulties or autism spectrum disorder.

I choose structured, age-appropriate activities that build and reinforce important social skills: such as coping with shyness, interpreting nonverbal cues, sharing, initiating and maintaining play, and following directions. They may also have difficulty dealing with frustration or coping with change. When the environment becomes too socially or emotionally demanding, children with developmental delays may have prolonged tantrums and take longer than other children to calm down. This behavior can be a signal that the child needs more support by modifying his or her environment or learning skills to cope with social and emotional challenges. We will work together to help your child learn how to recognize social cues to encourage social and emotional development.

Social Skills for Older Children

I provide cognitive behavioral therapy, where children and teens are given strategies for reducing worries or fears and improving social and behavioral skills. This helps to build self-esteem and reinforce improvements. I can help your child focus on a specific challenges, such as a refusal to talk due to extreme shyness, anxiety about interacting with peers, or difficulty regulating behavior.

Parents are included in this treatment so you can apply the skills attained during therapy to your child’s home and social environment. I will also suggest rewards to reinforce your child’s progress.

Parenting Sessions

The goal of parenting is to facilitate the development of healthy, happy and successful children and adolescents. Parenting can be frustrating, overwhelming and confusing, particularly when your child is experiencing anxiety, depression, mood swings, poor social skills or problematic anger. Not only are these children and adolescents suffering themselves, but so are those around them. Parenting sessions are about helping parents develop an approach tailored to the specific psychological and behavioral needs of their child.

Common Concerns:

  • How can I get my child to follow directions more consistently?
  • How can I help my child/teen cope with their anxiety and or depression?
  • My child won’t sit down and complete their homework. What can I do?
  • My teenager is isolated and moody. What can I do?
  • How do I help my child cope with my recent divorce?

Parents learn how to develop and strengthen skills to:

  • Listen for your child’s underlying needs
  • Develop specialized communication skills
  • Apply effective positive feedback to enhance your child’s self esteem
  • Schedule effective one-on-one connection time with you and your child
  • Strategies for increasing a strong parent-child bond
  • How to effectively resolve parent-child conflict
  • How to increase your child’s sense of safety at home

Behavior Management

Behavior management is all about developing effective, consistent, predictable and developmentally appropriate parenting responses that will increase your child or adolescent’s ability to make better decisions and function successfully at home and beyond.

In parent sessions you will focus on developing behavior management skills including:

  • Give effective commands
  • Deliver effective and developmentally appropriate consequences
  • Apply effective time out procedures (for young children)
  • Develop an effective behavioral contingency plans
  • Select and apply incentives/rewards that are effective
  • Learn behavioral principles for reinforcing desirable child/teen behavior
  • Learn behavioral principles for decreasing undesirable child/teen behavior

Individual Therapy for Teens

Adolescence marks a chaotic period of physical, social, and psychological change.  Teens must constantly adapt to the stressors and demands that come with transitioning to young adulthood, leaving many feeling disoriented and overwhelmed. We will work together to take on all of these obstacles and create goals that challenge and inspire your teen to reach new heights.

“Let go of who you think you need to be and just be who you actually are” – Unknown

Individual Therapy for Adults and Elderly

I work with a wide range of emotional and behavioral issues in a comfortable and supportive atmosphere. I offer a personalized approach tailored to each of my clients. Therapeutic support and guidance can help you through challenging situations, and provide a sense of empowerment and increased resiliency when facing difficult times. Therapy can improve the quality of your relationships, increase self-esteem, and develop a deeper sense of self. I want to guide you in creating an environment where you can uncover your emotional blocks, to attain personal healing, growth and change.

You can’t go back and change the beginning, but you can start where you are and change the ending”–C.S. Lewis

Treatment for:

  • Depression
  • Anxiety
  • Anger management
  • Domestic violence
  • Child and adult trauma
  • Substance abuse issues
  • School performance problems
  • Self­-harm
  • Identity issues
  • Communication and relationship issues
  • Stress management
  • Work life problems
  • Life transition issues
  • Self care
  • Adjustment to loss and functioning
  • Chronic pain and illness

Family therapy

Families provide the foundation for how we manage life’s many successes and challenges. When families encounter personal or circumstantial difficulties, it strains and stresses the entire family system. Things seem to get harder when one or many members suffer with symptoms and the whole family struggles to adjust.

Some common issues addressed include:

  • Someone struggling with drug or alcohol addiction
  • Traumatic circumstances (fire, earthquakes, accidents, etc.)
  • Child or adolescent behavior problems
  • An emotional distressed or chronically depressed member
  • Member with chronic illness or pain
  • Adjustment to the aging and care of family member

Adoption and Foster Care

One of my specialties is working with adoptive parents, adoptive families, birth families and adopted persons and those impacted by the foster care system. The experience of adoption will impact and change your life in many ways. There is no way to anticipate the challenges,frustration or confusion which can occur before,during and after the adoption process. Professional guidance and support at the right time can help reduce these problems that may arise for the parent child or whole family system.

Grief and Loss

When a death, the end of a relationship, a major illness or an accident occurs it can change your life forever. It can significantly impact your normal ability to function and can consume every waking and sleeping moments. Together we will discuss and process the stages of loss to best navigate grief safely.